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List of annotations.

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The parent of the declaration.

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File containing the declaration.

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abstract val fullyQualifiedName: String?

Fully qualified name of the declaration.

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Determines whatever class has actual modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has internal modifier.

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abstract val hasKDoc: Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration has kDoc.

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Determines whatever the declaration has private modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has protected modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has public modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has public or no visibility modifier.

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abstract val isGeneric: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is generic.

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abstract val kDoc: KoKDocDeclaration?

Documentation of the declaration.

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abstract val location: String

Location of the declaration containing the file path, line and column.

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abstract val locationWithText: String

Text of the declaration with the location (file path, line and column).

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abstract val modifiers: List<KoModifier>

List of modifiers.

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abstract val moduleName: String

The declaration's module name.

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abstract val name: String

Name of the declaration.

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abstract val numAnnotations: Int

The number of annotations.

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abstract val numModifiers: Int

The number of modifiers.

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abstract val numTypeParameters: Int

The number of type parameters.

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Package of the declaration.

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abstract val path: String

File path of the declaration or path of the file.

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abstract val projectPath: String

Project file path of the declaration or root project path of the file.

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abstract val sourceSetName: String

The declaration's source set name.

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abstract val text: String

Text of the declaration.

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abstract val type: KoTypeDeclaration

Type of the declaration.

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Type parameters of the declaration.


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abstract fun countAnnotations(predicate: (KoAnnotationDeclaration) -> Boolean): Int

Returns the number of annotations that satisfies the specified predicate present in the declaration.

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Returns the number of type parameters that satisfies the specified predicate present in the declaration.

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Determines whether the declaration has all annotations that satisfy the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAllAnnotationsOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAllAnnotationsOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has annotations with all the specified KClass type.

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abstract fun hasAllModifiers(modifiers: Collection<KoModifier>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAllModifiers(modifier: KoModifier, vararg modifiers: KoModifier): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has all specified modifiers.

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Determines whether the declaration has all type parameters that satisfy the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAnnotation(predicate: (KoAnnotationDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation that satisfies the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAnnotationOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation of the specified KClass type.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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abstract fun hasAnnotations(): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration has any annotation.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationsWithAllNames(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has annotations with all the specified names.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationWithName(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation whose name matches any of the specified names.

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abstract fun hasModifier(modifiers: Collection<KoModifier>): Boolean
abstract fun hasModifier(modifier: KoModifier, vararg modifiers: KoModifier): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one specified modifier.

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abstract fun hasModifiers(): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration has modifiers.

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abstract fun hasNameContaining(text: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration containing text.

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abstract fun hasNameEndingWith(suffix: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration with suffix.

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abstract fun hasNameMatching(regex: Regex): Boolean

Name of the declaration matching regex.

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abstract fun hasNameStartingWith(prefix: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration with prefix.

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abstract fun hasTextContaining(str: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration containing text.

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abstract fun hasTextEndingWith(suffix: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration with suffix.

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abstract fun hasTextMatching(regex: Regex): Boolean

Text of the declaration matching regex.

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abstract fun hasTextStartingWith(prefix: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration with prefix.

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abstract fun hasType(predicate: (KoTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration has a specified type.

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abstract fun hasTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration has a type of the specified Kotlin class.

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Determines whether the declaration has at least one type parameter that satisfies the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasTypeParameters(): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration has any type parameter.

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abstract fun hasTypeParametersWithAllNames(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has type parameters with all the specified names.

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abstract fun hasTypeParameterWithName(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one type parameter whose name matches any of the specified names.

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abstract fun resideInModule(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in module.

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abstract fun resideInPackage(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration resides in a package.

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abstract fun resideInPath(path: String, absolutePath: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in file path or file reside in path.

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abstract fun resideInSourceSet(sourceSetName: String): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in source set.

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abstract fun resideOutsidePackage(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration resides outside a package.

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abstract override fun toString(): String

String representing the declaration.