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List of annotations.

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abstract val bareSourceType: String

The source type without generic type arguments and nullability ("?").

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The parent of the declaration.

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File containing the declaration.

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abstract val isAlias: Boolean

Returns true if this type is defined by the import alias.

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abstract override val isClass: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a class.

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abstract override val isClassOrInterface: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a class or an interface.

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abstract override val isClassOrInterfaceOrObject: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a class, an interface or an object.

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abstract override val isClassOrObject: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a class or an object.

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abstract override val isExternal: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is an external. An external declaration refers to a declaration that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract val isExternalType: Boolean

Determines whatever source declaration is an external type. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract override val isFunction: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a function.

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abstract val isFunctionType: Boolean

Determines whatever type is function type.

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abstract val isGeneric: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is generic.

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abstract val isGenericType: Boolean

Determines whatever type is generic type.

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abstract override val isImportAlias: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is import alias.

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abstract override val isInterface: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is an interface.

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abstract override val isInterfaceOrObject: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is an interface or an object.

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abstract override val isKotlinBasicType: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a Kotlin stdlib basic type Basic types

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abstract override val isKotlinCollectionType: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a Kotlin stdlib Collection type Collections overview.

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abstract override val isKotlinType: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a build in Kotlin type. It can be a basic Kotlin type Basic types or collection type Collections overview (

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abstract val isMutableType: Boolean

Determines whether the declaration is a mutable type.

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abstract val isNullable: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration type is nullable.

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abstract override val isObject: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is an object.

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abstract override val isProperty: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a property.

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Determines whether the source declaration is a star projection. A star projection is a placeholder that represents any type in a generic context, allowing for flexible type constraints.

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abstract override val isTypeAlias: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a type alias.

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abstract override val isTypeParameter: Boolean

Determines whatever declaration is a type parameter.

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abstract val location: String

Location of the declaration containing the file path, line and column.

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abstract val locationWithText: String

Text of the declaration with the location (file path, line and column).

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abstract val moduleName: String

The declaration's module name.

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abstract val name: String

Name of the declaration.

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abstract val numAnnotations: Int

The number of annotations.

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abstract val numParameters: Int

The number of parameters for the function type.

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abstract val numParameterTypes: Int

The number of parameters for the function type.

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abstract val numTypeArguments: Int

The number of type arguments.

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Package of the declaration.

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Represents the parameters of the function type.

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Represents the parameters of the function type.

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abstract val path: String

File path of the declaration or path of the file.

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abstract val projectPath: String

Project file path of the declaration or root project path of the file.

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Represents the return type of the function type.

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Represents the source declaration associated with this type.

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abstract val sourceSetName: String

The declaration's source set name.

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abstract val sourceType: String

The source type. For val car:MyClass it will be "MyClass". For val car:MyClass<String> it will be "MyClass".

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abstract val text: String

Text of the declaration.

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A list of type arguments associated with this declaration, if any. If there are no type arguments, this returns null.


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abstract override fun asClassDeclaration(): KoClassDeclaration?

Represents the class declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the class or interface declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the class, interface or object declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the class or object declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the external declaration associated with this declaration. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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Represents the external declaration associated with this declaration. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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Represents the function declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the import alias declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the interface declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the interface or object declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the Kotlin basic type declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the Kotlin collection type declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the Kotlin type declaration associated with this declaration.

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abstract override fun asObjectDeclaration(): KoObjectDeclaration?

Represents the object declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the property declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the declaration alias declaration associated with this declaration.

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Represents the declaration parameter declaration associated with this declaration.

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abstract fun countAnnotations(predicate: (KoAnnotationDeclaration) -> Boolean): Int

Returns the number of annotations that satisfies the specified predicate present in the declaration.

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abstract fun countParameters(predicate: (KoParameterDeclaration) -> Boolean): Int

Counts the number of parameters that match the given predicate.

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abstract fun countParameterTypes(predicate: (KoParameterDeclaration) -> Boolean): Int

Counts the number of parameter types that match the given predicate.

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Counts the number of type arguments that match the given predicate.

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Determines whether the declaration has all annotations that satisfy the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAllAnnotationsOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAllAnnotationsOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has annotations with all the specified KClass type.

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Checks if all parameters match the given predicate.

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Checks if all parameter types match the given predicate.

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Checks if all type arguments match the given predicate.

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abstract fun hasAllTypeArgumentsOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Checks if all type arguments match the specified class.

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abstract fun hasAnnotation(predicate: (KoAnnotationDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation that satisfies the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAnnotationOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation of the specified KClass type.

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Returns true if declaration represents the type of T.

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abstract fun hasAnnotations(): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration has any annotation.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationsWithAllNames(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has annotations with all the specified names.

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abstract fun hasAnnotationWithName(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one annotation whose name matches any of the specified names.

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abstract override fun hasClassDeclaration(predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified class declaration.

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abstract override fun hasClassDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a class declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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Whether declaration has a specified class or interface declaration.

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abstract override fun hasClassOrInterfaceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a class or an interface declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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Whether declaration has a specified class, interface or object declaration.

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abstract override fun hasClassOrInterfaceOrObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a class, an interface or an object declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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Whether declaration has a specified class or object declaration.

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abstract override fun hasClassOrObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a class or an object declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract override fun hasExternalDeclaration(predicate: (KoExternalDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified external type declaration. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract override fun hasExternalDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a external type declaration of the specified Kotlin class. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract fun hasExternalTypeDeclaration(predicate: (KoExternalDeclaration) -> Boolean? = null): Boolean

Whether type has a specified external type declaration. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract fun hasExternalTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether type has a external type declaration of the specified Kotlin class. An external type refers to a type that is defined outside the project's codebase. for e.g. in external library.

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abstract override fun hasFunctionDeclaration(predicate: (KoFunctionDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified function declaration.

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abstract override fun hasFunctionDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a function declaration of the specified Kotlin function.

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abstract override fun hasImportAliasDeclaration(predicate: (KoImportAliasDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified import alias declaration.

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abstract override fun hasInterfaceDeclaration(predicate: (KoInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified interface declaration.

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abstract override fun hasInterfaceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has an interface declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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Whether declaration has a specified interface or object declaration.

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abstract override fun hasInterfaceOrObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has an interface or an object declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract override fun hasKotlinBasicTypeDeclaration(predicate: (KoKotlinTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified kotlin basic type declaration.

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abstract override fun hasKotlinBasicTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a kotlin basic type declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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Whether declaration has a specified kotlin collection type declaration.

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abstract override fun hasKotlinCollectionTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a kotlin collection type declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract override fun hasKotlinTypeDeclaration(predicate: (KoKotlinTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified kotlin type declaration.

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abstract override fun hasKotlinTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a kotlin type declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract fun hasNameContaining(text: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration containing text.

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abstract fun hasNameEndingWith(suffix: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration with suffix.

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abstract fun hasNameMatching(regex: Regex): Boolean

Name of the declaration matching regex.

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abstract fun hasNameStartingWith(prefix: String): Boolean

Name of the declaration with prefix.

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abstract override fun hasObjectDeclaration(predicate: (KoObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified object declaration.

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abstract override fun hasObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a object declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract fun hasParameter(predicate: (KoParameterDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Checks if any parameter matches the given predicate.

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Checks if any parameter type matches the given predicate.

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abstract override fun hasPropertyDeclaration(predicate: (KoPropertyDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified property declaration.

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abstract override fun hasPropertyDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether declaration has a property declaration of the specified Kotlin property.

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abstract fun hasReturnType(predicate: (KoTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Checks if the return type matches the given predicate.

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abstract fun hasReturnTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Checks if the return type matches the specified class.

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Determines whatever type has a specified source declaration.

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abstract fun hasSourceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>): Boolean

Whether type has a source declaration of the specified Kotlin class.

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abstract fun hasTextContaining(str: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration containing text.

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abstract fun hasTextEndingWith(suffix: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration with suffix.

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abstract fun hasTextMatching(regex: Regex): Boolean

Text of the declaration matching regex.

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abstract fun hasTextStartingWith(prefix: String): Boolean

Text of the declaration with prefix.

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abstract override fun hasTypeAliasDeclaration(predicate: (KoTypeAliasDeclaration) -> Boolean?): Boolean

Whether declaration has a specified type alias declaration.

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Checks if any type argument matches the given predicate.

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abstract fun hasTypeArgumentOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>): Boolean
abstract fun hasTypeArgumentOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>): Boolean

Checks if any type argument is of the specified class.

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abstract fun hasTypeArguments(): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration has type arguments.

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abstract fun hasTypeArgumentsWithAllNames(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Checks if all type arguments have one of the specified names.

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abstract fun hasTypeArgumentWithName(name: String, vararg names: String): Boolean

Checks if any type argument has one of the specified names.

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Whether declaration has a specified type parameter declaration.

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abstract fun resideInModule(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in module.

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abstract fun resideInPackage(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration resides in a package.

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abstract fun resideInPath(path: String, absolutePath: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in file path or file reside in path.

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abstract fun resideInSourceSet(sourceSetName: String): Boolean

Determines whatever declaration reside in source set.

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abstract fun resideOutsidePackage(name: String): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration resides outside a package.

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abstract override fun toString(): String

String representing the declaration.