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Determines whatever the declaration has internal modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has private modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has protected modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has public modifier.

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Determines whatever the declaration has public or no visibility modifier.

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abstract val modifiers: List<KoModifier>

List of modifiers.

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abstract val numModifiers: Int

The number of modifiers.


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abstract fun hasAllModifiers(modifiers: Collection<KoModifier>): Boolean
abstract fun hasAllModifiers(modifier: KoModifier, vararg modifiers: KoModifier): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has all specified modifiers.

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abstract fun hasModifier(modifiers: Collection<KoModifier>): Boolean
abstract fun hasModifier(modifier: KoModifier, vararg modifiers: KoModifier): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one specified modifier.

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abstract fun hasModifiers(): Boolean

Determines whatever the declaration has modifiers.