
interface KoScope

Represents a scope of Kotlin declarations.


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The annotations present in the scope.

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The files present in the scope.

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The imports present in the scope.

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The packages present in the scope.

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The type aliases present in the scope.


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open override fun KoScope.assertArchitecture(layerDependenciesFunc: LayerDependencies)

Asserts the architecture with the specified layerDependenciesFunc.

open override fun KoScope.assertArchitecture(layerDependenciesFunc: LayerDependencies.() -> Unit)

Asserts the architecture with the specified layerDependenciesFunc defined as a function literal with receiver LayerDependencies.

open override fun KoScope.assertArchitecture(additionalMessage: String?, testName: String?, layerDependenciesFunc: LayerDependencies)

Asserts the architecture with the specified layerDependenciesFunc.

open override fun KoScope.assertArchitecture(additionalMessage: String?, testName: String?, layerDependenciesFunc: LayerDependencies.() -> Unit)

Asserts the architecture with the specified layerDependenciesFunc defined as a function literal with receiver LayerDependencies.

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abstract fun classes(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassDeclaration>

The classes present in the scope.

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abstract fun classesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration>

The classes and interfaces present in the scope.

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abstract fun classesAndInterfacesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectDeclaration>

The classes, interfaces and objects present in the scope.

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abstract fun classesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassAndObjectDeclaration>

The classes and objects present in the scope.

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abstract fun declarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoBaseDeclaration>

The declarations present in the scope.

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inline fun <T : KoBaseProvider> KoScope.declarationsOf(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

The declarations of type T present in the scope.

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abstract operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

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abstract fun functions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoFunctionDeclaration>

The functions present in the scope.

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abstract override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object.

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abstract fun interfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<KoInterfaceDeclaration>

The interfaces present in the scope.

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The interface and objects present in the scope.

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abstract operator fun minus(scope: KoScope): KoScope

Subtract scope files from this scope.

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abstract operator fun minusAssign(scope: KoScope)

Subtract a scope files and create a new scope.

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abstract fun objects(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<KoObjectDeclaration>

The objects present in the scope.

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abstract operator fun plus(scope: KoScope): KoScope

Add a scope files to this scope.

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abstract operator fun plusAssign(scope: KoScope)

Add a scope files and create a new scope.

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abstract fun print(prefix: String? = null, predicate: (KoScope) -> String? = null): KoScope

Print the scope.

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abstract fun properties(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<KoPropertyDeclaration>

The properties present in the scope.

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abstract fun slice(predicate: (KoFileDeclaration) -> Boolean): KoScope

The scope with given predicate.

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abstract override fun toString(): String

String representing the scope.