
An interface representing a Kotlin declaration that provides access to its child declarations.



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abstract fun children(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<KoChildDeclaration>

The children of the declaration.

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abstract fun countChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): Int

Gets the number of children that satisfies the specified predicate present in the declaration.

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abstract fun hasAllChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has all children defined directly in the Kotlin file that satisfy the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasAllChildrenOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean
abstract fun hasAllChildrenOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has children with all the specified KClass type.

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abstract fun hasChild(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one child defined directly in the Kotlin file that satisfies the provided predicate.

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abstract fun hasChildOf(names: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean
abstract fun hasChildOf(name: KClass<*>, vararg names: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one child of the specified KClass type.

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abstract fun hasChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean

Whatever declaration has any child defined directly in the Kotlin file.

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abstract fun hasChildrenWithAllNames(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean
abstract fun hasChildrenWithAllNames(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has children defined directly in the Kotlin file with all the specified names.

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abstract fun hasChildWithName(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean
abstract fun hasChildWithName(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Boolean

Determines whether the declaration has at least one child defined directly in the Kotlin file whose name matches any of the specified names.

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abstract fun numChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): Int

The number of children.