without Source Declaration Of
fun <T : KoSourceDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>
List containing declarations without source declaration of.
A list containing declarations without source declaration of the specified Kotlin class(es).
k Class
The Kotlin class representing the source declaration to exclude.
k Classes
The Kotlin class(es) representing the source declaration(s) to exclude.
fun <T : KoSourceDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceDeclarationOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>): List<T>
List containing declarations without source declaration of.
A list containing declarations without source declaration of the specified Kotlin class(es).
k Classes
The Kotlin class(es) representing the source declaration(s) to exclude.